Добавить блюда на терминале

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In the local Waiter module, the administrator can add dishes and slightly edit existing ones. For example, select a different button color on the terminal. Or change the name and cooking time.

Access rights

To work with dishes, you need the right to create and edit dishes.

1. On the main screen, in the lower menu, select "Dishes".

2. Select "Dishes" in the top menu – a list of all dishes in the establishment will open.

3. Click "Add" to create a new one.

4. Fill out the dish card:

  • enter the name;
  • select a category – the department and warehouse filled automatically;
  • indicate the price and time of preparation;
  • select related dishes.
Attention! You can specify the composition and other characteristics only in the Jowi web panel.

5. Setup the appearance of the dish on the terminal: button color, font size and font color of the dish name.

6. Save the changes.

A new dish has been created – you can add it to orders.

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