
Создать инвентаризацию

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Inventory – reconciliation of actual remaining quantity on warehouse with warehouse accounting data. With its help, you can identify a shortage or excess of ingredients.

Attention! It is necessary to carry out an inventory at each warehouse separately.

Access rights

To fill an inventory, you need the right to "Write" in the "Invoice" section.

1. On the "Invoices" tab, select "Inventory" and click "Add".

2. Fill in the document:

  • date and number are set automatically;
  • indicate the warehouse where the inventory is carried out;
  • additionally, add a description

3. Select whether the active document (goods will be written off after saving) or draft.

4. Indicate what to write off – ingredients or already prepared dishes.

5. Select the ingredients, half-finished product or dishes from the list and click

6. Indicate the actual quantity of goods in warehouse and click "Calculate".

7. In the "Inventory calculation" field, Jowi will reflect the position of the warehouse before the inventory and after, it will show a shortage or an excess.

8. Save the document – click "Create".

The inventory is filled – the warehouse remains are recounted.

By link reference "Details" in the general list of documents you can find out which items take part in the inventory.

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