Проверка состояния принтера

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You can checked the operation of the printer when opening a cash register shift or during the day.

Access rights

For opening and closing cash register shift requires the right to pay, close and view all accounts.

1. On the main screen in the bottom menu, choose "All accounts".

2. Click "Fiscal printer" – a window for working with a cash register will open.

3. In the "Status" field, click on the link below – the program will show the current status of the fiscal printer.

4. The bottom table shows the latest printer operations. Check the "Status" column:

  • Successful - the printer is working correctly;
  • 180010,180410 and other combinations of numbers – there are errors in the printer working. Check the cash register shift status, close the fiscal printer service console and check if the customer display is turned on. After that, click the status check link again.

Attention! If there are no visible reasons for errors don`t, and an error message appears in the Status field, communication with the fiscal printer may be lost. Try clicking on the link "Click to get the current state" several times with a frequency of 30-60 seconds.

If after this the connection with the fiscal printer has not been restored, contact in technical support.

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